Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Friday, August 22, 2014

To tide you over

I was about to post another card but then realized that I never posted Bill's pictures from Spring Migration, and I didn't want to wait much longer, because then I will probably have pictures of fall migration.

These were taken at Pt. Pelee National Park.  (click on the image to enlarge).

these yellow- headed black birds were take out at Mitchell's Bay area

I hope you enjoyed them.
Back real soon with a card to share.



Leslie Miller said...

Amazing! Delightfu! Wonderful! I love when you share these fantastically artful photos. So many beautiful birds in one area. The male Scarlet Tanager is certainly showy, but the female is no slouch either. All the birds arrange themselves so prettily in their habitats, don't they? And Bill captures them on camera in perfect form. It must take a lot of patience. These photos, the birds in their quiet settings, the feeling of being out among them really touches my soul. Thanks.

Tracy said...

sigh....what a delight of color in this post. Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them!

Shirley T. said...

Hi Pauline,

Brings justice to the saying "Patience is a virtue". Absolutely beautiful photos.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Stacy Morgan said...

Wow amazing job with capturing these birds. That red one is gorgeous, just look at his coloring. Awesome!!!! Wonderful photo's.

Katie Sims said...

I loved seeing these beautiful photos, Pauline. I am an amateur backyard birdwatcher but I have started keeping a log on Pinterest of all the ones I have seen in my has been a lot of fun researching, etc. Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos! I can't wait for fall migration! :)

Beccy said...

Bill is certainly one very talented man, these photos are truly beautiful. The whole time I was looking through them I kept thinking what fantastic cards and postcards they would make. Amazing!